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Eyes for kids does not take insurance


Vision Service Plan (VSP)

Eyes For Kids is out-of-network for VSP. We are happy to submit a claim by mail on your behalf and you should be mailed a check for any out of network benefits you have available. Your out-of-network coverage can be found by contacting VSP by phone or online.


Eye Med, Aetna, Davis Vision, Spectera, United Health Care

Your insurance may offer partial reimbursement for your purchase at Eyes For Kids. We are happy to give you an itemized receipt to submit for reimbursement. Please contact your eye care insurance to find out if they offer out of network benefits in your plan. 



Eyes For Kids is unable to work with Tri-Care. We do offer a 10% military discount.


​​​See below for more information about insurances. Please contact us if you have any questions.


Why Eyes For Kids Doesn't Take Many Vision Plans (Health Insurances)

Eyes For Kids is a small, family owned business. We can not afford all the time and financial loss taking insurance would ensue. Insurance companies do not reimburse us enough to provide the quality frames and lenses that we want/need for our customers. We are not willing to cut corners and provide an inferior product in order to take insurances. We are also known for doing difficult prescriptions that no one else can do. These type of prescriptions can be more costly and insurance companies do not pay more for these high prescriptions, but expect us to do them for their set reimbursement. Bigger optical companies can absorb these losses by the sheer volume of their clientele or by the profit they make on the exams or the adult glasses that they sell.  Another way to make up the loss is selling and marking up cheaper frames and lenses which we will not do. There is also the expense and time it would take to process all the claims. And, there are some insurance companies that do not allow opticians to be members of their group like VSP (Vision Service Plan). The bottom line is that if we took insurances, it would be difficult to stay in business.


Many customers that have purchased glasses at Eyes For Kids and then bought glasses through their insurance return to us saying that it was not worth it. The glasses did not fit as well or last as long or the lenses were not as thin and light or the prescription was made wrong. Some customers have said the glasses cost more than Eyes For Kids when using their insurance. We provide a quality product at a fair price and stand by our product with warranties and great customer service. It is worth it to pay out of pocket for quality glasses for your child.

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